The Human-Centered Health Blog

AVA: January 2023


AVA: Ask Vic Anything


Why do we need innovation?

Vic: Health System leaders face increased complexity and greater challenges in the post-pandemic landscape. Success in this new environment requires leadership to educate themselves, seek diverse insight, evolve mindsets, and foster partnerships… while reducing headcount and expenses.  


How do we escape death by 1,000 pilots?

Vic: Entrepreneurs tell good stories, but few address high-priority challenges with a deep understanding of implementation requirements and the ability to scale to meet demand.  


Without support, health system leaders may become swamped in a noisy cacophony of unproven startups that is time-consuming and inefficient. For innovation to be valuable, health systems must integrate it into strategy and carefully manage bright, shiny distractions.


Can we harness & ride innovation like a wild stallion?

Vic: I have 20+ years finding, lassoing and harnessing innovating for health systems. My Jumpstart team invented the 4S harness to make innovation do impactful work.


Our Search & Screen tools automate much of the task to measure and map innovation. Jumpstart has gathered the height, weight, and serial numbers for hundreds of high-growth health startups allowing us to classify and rank-order them. 


This created space for us to “flip the VC script.” Most VCs invest in startups and then try to sell health systems (aka they’re conflicted). Jumpstart flips the order. We first define the strategic health system challenges.  Then, we Select viable solutions and Shape them to fit the exact needs. This 4S harness fits nicely over the startups head and drives them to strategic impact for our health systems.


How does Jumpstart make $$?

Vic: We are 100% aligned with our health system partners with no ongoing expense burden. When you become rich & powerful so do we – not before.


Got a question? 

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